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CML Newsletter
March 13, 2020

As more cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are identified throughout the United States, municipal leaders and residents are increasingly asking how to prepare.

In Colorado, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
is the main official source to guide our efforts, are not necessarily the only source.
Resources include:

• For the CDPHE website, visit

• For National League of Cities resources for local officials, visit

• For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, visit

The National League of Cities also recently published a CitiesSpeak blog about what local leaders need to know to manage COVID-19 in their communities. For more information, visit

Illness prevention at work

Please follow the CDC’s guidelines for preventing the spread of disease. Wash your hands often, cover your cough, or sneeze with a tissue, avoid contact with people who are sick, and stay home when you are sick. For more tips, visit  

More information

The Colorado Municipal League (CML) will continue to distribute information as it becomes available. Municipalities are also encouraged to continue to monitor the websites listed in this article and stay in contact with their local public health agencies. For your local public health agency's contact information, visit


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