Text reading Effective Governance


We had a great time with over 130 CML members
at the 2025 Legislative Workshop on Thursday, Feb. 20,
in Denver at History Colorado.

Thank you for taking the time to join us in the opportunity to learn and connect with your colleagues from across the state.

Presentation slides, where applicable, are linked in the agenda below.


8:30 a.m. 

Registration & Breakfast at History Colorado

For those planning to attend the tour at the Colorado State Capitol
8:45 a.m. Walk to the Colorado State Capitol
9 a.m.  

Welcome at Colorado State Capitol

Overview of best practices in advocacy

Tours of the state capitol

Spend some time in our lobbyist’s shoes

10:30 a.m. Registration at History Colorado for those not attending tour at Colorado State Capitol
10:45 a.m. Return to History Colorado
11 a.m.

2025 General Assembly: Legislation & Issues Affecting Municipalities

CML advocacy team: Heather Stauffer, Elizabeth Haskell, Jeremy Schupbach, and Beverly Stables

Presentation Slides

12:15 p.m.
 Networking Lunch
1 p.m.
 Developing Your Advocacy Toolbox
Hear from knowledgeable experts at the state and federal levels as they share strategies for making your voice heard by legislators. Learn tips and tricks for how to communicate effectively, craft compelling messages, and navigate the legislative process to maximize your impact. Whether you're a seasoned advocate or just getting started, this session will equip you with practical tools to ensure policymakers listen - and take action.
Kevin Bommer, executive director, CML, Irma Esparza Diggs, senior executive and director federal advocacy, National League of Cities and Todd Barnes, communications director, City of Thornton

Ten Commandments Toolbox Handout
2 p.m.

Emerging Issues - Criminal Justice Legislation

This dynamic panel offers insights into the municipal implications of 2025 criminal justice legislation and on how you can effectively communicate the impact of these criminal justice bills to your community.Chris Howes, executive director, Colorado Retail Council; Judge Kurtz, presiding judge, City of Arvada; Liz Rogers, intergovernmental relations manager, City of Aurora and Chief Adam Turk, chief of police, City of Greeley

3 p.m.
3:15 p.m.

Federal Advocacy: Report from Washington D.C. 

Irma Esparza Diggs, senior executive and director federal advocacy, National
League of Cities

Presentation Slides

4:30 p.m.
 CML Legislative Workshop Reception
History Colorado in the Lanny & Sharon Martin Foundation Room, 4th Floor


We'll see you again next year!









Legislative Workshop