Position Paper UPDATE: CML requests your YES vote on HB25-1276
March 19, 2025
House Bill 25-1276 only affects defendants who repeatedly ignore court dates by giving courts discretion to require a cash or surety bond instead of a PR bond for an extremely narrow class of defendants.
Position Paper: Vote NO on HB25-1295 Food Truck Operations
March 18, 2025
House Bill 25-1295, Food Truck Operations, would harm community planning to provide special benefits to a particular industry. The bill stops municipalities from regulating public roads and commercial districts to ensure economic vitality and employment opportunities of local businesses.
Position Paper: Vote NO on SB25-132 Spirituous Liquor Manufacturer Tastings Conducted
March 12, 2025
Senate Bill 25-132 allows distilleries to purchase alcohol from wholesalers and open as many as five bars without adhering to the local licensing process required of taverns and bars. Distilleries are a type of manufacturer licensed solely by the state Liquor Enforcement Division (LED).
Position Paper: Vote NO on HB25-1147 Fairness & Transparency in Municipal Court
February 26, 2025
House Bill 25-1147 unconstitutionally caps penalties for municipal offenses at the same level as similar state offenses and imposes arbitrary caps on penalties for municipal offenses with no comparable state offense. The bill also includes provisions addressing the already well-established right to counsel for indigent municipal court defendants facing the possibility of jail time and expanding the livestreaming mandates on courts.
Position Paper: Vote NO on HB25-1169 Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land (“Yes In God’s Backyard”)
February 19, 2025
House Bill 25-1169 forces communities to administratively rezone properties owned by “faith-based organizations” and educational institutions to allow for residential development, regardless of the existing allowed uses or surrounding zone districts. By circumventing existing planning and zoning processes that are readily available to all property owners, “YIGBY” creates a special privileged class of property owners with insufficient guardrails that would promote the creation of affordable housing, protect against fraud or abuse, and ensure a minimum of consistency with community plans.
Position Paper: AMEND SB25-001, Colorado Voting Rights Act
February 12, 2025
Among other provisions, Senate Bill 25-001 creates the Colorado Voting Rights Act. The bill allows an individual or organization to file suit against a municipality alleging voter suppression, voter dilution, or an unlawful voting prerequisite based on gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, and empowers the Attorney General’s office to investigate potential violations, file suit to enforce the act, or intervene in an individual or organization’s suit. Colorado’s constitution does not support the bill’s application to municipal elections. We request an amendment to exclude municipalities from the bill and apply the provisions to the state and coordinated elections only.
Position Paper: Vote NO on HB25-1056, Local Government Permitting Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
February 6, 2025
House Bill 25-1056 lets telecom corporations jump to the front of the permitting line, even for brand new cell towers. This special treatment isn’t targeted to areas of poor coverage or state-owned land and makes no guarantee of cell coverage issues being addressed. Your NO vote is respectfully requested.
Position Paper: Vote NO on HB25-1060, Electronic Fence Detection Systems
January 27, 2025
HB25-1060 proposes to reclassify certain electric fence security systems as “alarm systems” and limits local governments’ ability to deny permits for their use. This bill would undermine municipalities’ authority to regulate these systems based on public safety, aesthetics, and community values. We urge a NO vote to preserve local governments’
decision-making authority and ensure communities retain control over matters that reflect their unique needs.