Extended Producer Responsibility Webinar Series

In 2022, the Colorado Legislature passed legislation to establish a statewide program which will be financed and operated by the producers of consumer products to provide access for recycling services for every residence in Colorado at no financial cost to residents or local governments. For the past 18 months, the program roll-out has advanced rapidly and the plan to execute the program is under development. While we await the release of the draft program plan, there are opportunities for local governments to understand the policy, develop strategies to prepare for implementation, and work with peers on best practices and regional collaboration. To that end, the Colorado Municipal League (CML) is partnering with Recycle Colorado to offer a webinar learning series to provide the latest information, options to prepare local communities, and best practices to optimize local systems.

2025 EPR Preparation for Local Governments Webinar Series

CML will host a virtual monthly series, January through July 2025, of virtual session created by Recycle Colorado to cover specific topics and case studies designed to help local governments understand and prepare for the implementation of the EPR program in 2026 and beyond.

These sessions are free to members of CML and Recycle Colorado; registration is required to attend.  Participate in as many of the sessions as you wish; however, please register for each session separately.

Registrants will receive a Zoom link the day before each the webinar for which they have registered. Additionally, recorded webinars and presentation materials will be made available to those registered after each session.

Register to attend any or all of these upcoming sessions:

    Collection Models
    Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025 - 2 p.m. | Register Today
    What are the options?  Communities have options when seeking to improve waste diversion. This session will feature experts on the collection options available to communities and the pros and cons of each.

    End-Markets - The Whole Point of Recycling
    Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 2 p.m. | Register Today
    Where do the materials go? The EPR law requires that the materials collected go to a responsible end-market to make new products. In this session, you will learn how that works and the opportunities for communities in end-markets.

    Partnership Models - You are not alone!
    Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 2 p.m. | Register Today
    Successful partnerships can lead to real results is waste diversion and economic development around circularity. In this session, we will explore partnership opportunities with other jurisdictions, non-profits, and private sector partners to improve diversion systems.

    Local Policy Dive
    Thursday, May 22, 2025 - 2 p.m. | Register Today
    Where does policy fit into EPR? Colorado’s EPR program may create a host of policy options and opportunities for communities to consider to take full advantage of the system. Experts in this session will outline some diversion-specific policy options to enhance the EPR program.

    EPR and The State
    Wednesday, July 23, 2025 - 2 p.m. | Register Today
    The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment oversees the EPR program. EPR Program Manager Darla Arians will provide updates from the Department, resources available to communities, and an overview of how the program will impact local governments.


    Previous Sessions

    Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) 101
    Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 - 2 p.m. |
    Where to begin? This session will provide an EPR 101 overview, present a case study of a citizen survey and outreach, how to get a baseline assessment of your community’s streams and populations, and how to make a plan from there.


    If you have any questions or would like to discuss these sessions in advance, please contact Jenifer Freeman at jfreeman@constellationstrategies.net or Denise White, CML engagement and communications manager at dwhite@cml.org.