Municipal Prosecutor Workshop
December 7, 2023 | Denver
This workshop provides essential information and skills training for municipal prosecutors. Whether practicing in municipal court for many years or just a short time, this training provides prosecutors with an opportunity to enhance advocacy skills and knowledge of municipal courts while networking with fellow municipal prosecutors. Past attendees have said: "Great CLE." "Best part of the day was spending time with other municipal prosecutors discussing our various problems and solutions." CLE Credits Submitted
Meeting Location: CML, Ken Bueche Municipal League Building, 1144 Sherman St., Denver
Click here to view a list of attendees.
Thursday, December 7
8 a.m. | Registration and continental breakfast
A discussion of the more referenced municipal court rules. The presentation will include a discussion of the proposed updates by the Municipal Court Rules of Procedure Committee to the Colorado Supreme Court.
Shantel Withrow, Division Chief of Prosecution, City of Colorado Springs
Billy Stiggers Jr., Associate Judge, City of Aurora
Robert Frick, Presiding Judge & Department Director, City of Longmont
This introductory level skills session will walk through presentation of a code enforcement case from intake review through clarification of goals to be achieved, considerations surrounding plea deals, marshaling of evidence and presentation of the issues to achieve those goals, and consideration of alternate methods to reach the same goals.
Erich Schwiesow, City Attorney, City of Alamosa
This session will cover “first amendment auditors” and how cities should respond - both from city employee and law enforcement perspectives, and will include a First Amendment overview, common pitfalls, and good practice tips. It will also cover how “obstruction” has changed in Colorado, including an overview of recent Colorado and 10th circuit caselaw, and how we can better train and equip law enforcement’s response during police encounters to avoid civil liability consequences.
Liz Barajas, Assistant City Attorney, City of Thornton
Adam Stephens, Deputy City Attorney, City of Thornton
1:30 p.m. | Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct 3.8
The presentation will focus on the recent changes to Colo. RPC 3.8(d) and address “frequently asked questions” about the new rule and comment to the rule.
Jessica Yates, Attorney Regulation Counsel, Colorado Supreme Court
In this session you will hear about sentencing alternatives and diversion programs often facilitated through specialty municipal courts in Aurora, Fort Collins and Lakewood. The presentation will cover alternative sentencing ideas that relate to specific groups or issues including homelessness, mental health, veterans, and juveniles. Come away with some ideas for alternatives you may be able to implement in your municipal court.
Nicole Bozarth, Presiding Judge, City of Lakewood
Holly Coulehan, Assistant City Attorney, City of Fort Collins
Christie Hoff, Assistant City Attorney, City of Aurora
Following the workshop, there will be an off-site reception to network with other municipal prosecutors. CML will not be providing food or drink for this reception. Please make sure to move your car off-site (or plan to pick up your car on Friday morning) as CML’s parking lot gate closes at 5pm and you will not be able to get into the parking area after hours.