Message from CML Executive Director Kevin Bommer

CML Newsletter
March 27, 2020

By Kevin Bommer

On behalf of the entire staff at CML, I want to convey to you our thanks and appreciation for your dedication and commitment to your community. This is an unprecedented time, filled with uncertainty, fear, and confusion, as the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) continues to impact every aspect of our lives.

However, it is often in times of crisis that governments and their leaders are at their best. Each of you is working hard to ensure health, safety, and order in your cities and towns, while doing everything possible to ensure no Coloradan is left behind and goods and services can continue to flow.

We know that you have had to make hard decisions and watch local businesses and industries try to stay open, if possible. We know that our state and local economies are going to take a hit, and it will take some time to recover. Our hearts and thoughts go out to each and every one of you.

The team at CML is dedicated to our members. The League exists for you and because of you. We are hard at work (remotely) coordinating with state and federal partners and advocating on your behalf. In addition to your intergovernmental communication networks, we are also working to facilitate rapid transfer of best practices and information via our information page, We are working with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs to connect every municipality with a regular check-in call with state agencies.

CML's vision of "empowered cities and towns, united for a strong Colorado" has never been more appropriate than it is now. You have my commitment that CML will continue to provide the advocacy, information, and training throughout this crisis and beyond.

Finally, you will note that we are still planning to hold our annual conference from June 23–26 in Westminster and have cut our cancellation fee in half. Early registration goes through May 15, and we continue to encourage you to register. If circumstances require rescheduling, then we will make all appropriate arrangements and accommodations. It is important to our
staff that the premier event for municipal training and networking still goes on one
way or another.

Thank you to our elected officials, staff, first responders, and all those who work to make Colorado municipalities great. You inspire us all every day, and we will continue to work hard for you.