CML Associate Membership
In This Section
CML associate membership provides inside access to municipal officials, informs you about issues that concern Colorado’s cities and towns, and offers opportunities to educate municipal leaders on your area of expertise. While your membership is a valuable business investment, it also supports the Colorado Municipal League and its effort to provide advocacy, information, and training for municipal officials.
Benefits of Associate Membership
Learn from the Pros: Associate members are invited to submit proposals to conduct educational webinars for municipal officials.
Colorado Municipalities: Magazine articles are a great way to share in-depth industry expertise with CML members and to get your organization’s name out there. Associate members are invited to propose articles for inclusion
in this award-winning quarterly magazine.
CML Newsletter: Associate members have the opportunity to submit topical articles of municipal interest to be considered for
inclusion in the CML Newsletter. Also, associate members can submit their organizations’ latest
news to appear in the “Member News” section of this biweekly periodical.
Fall District Meetings: CML hosts regional meetings throughout the state each fall, and associate members are invited to attend. Additionally, associate members are invited to underwrite these district meetings, which is a great
way to get your organization noticed.
CML Annual Conference: The annual four-day conference is the premier meeting for municipal officials in Colorado; more than 600 top decision makers from cities and towns throughout the state attend. It is the perfect opportunity
for associate members to connect and network with municipal officials.
Fall Seminar on Municipal Law: This annual seminar on municipal law provides a diverse program that responds directly to the
interests and needs of Colorado municipal attorneys. Associate members are invited to attend and/or
underwrite this seminar.
Workshops: CML offers cutting-edge workshops throughout the year, both in webinar and in-person formats. Associate members are invited to attend at a reduced member rate and sponsor select trainings.
CML Newsletter: A biweekly periodical full of articles and information of importance to local government officials and news about the League.
Colorado Municipalities: CML’s award-winning quarterly magazine (with a circulation of nearly 5,000) features in-depth articles and practical approaches to today’s municipal issues.
Statehouse Report: A weekly e-newsletter published while the Colorado General Assembly is in session to inform CML members about legislative activity important to cities and towns.
Other publications: Associate members receive notice of all new CML publications and can purchase the various books, booklets, and other resources at a discounted member rate. Visit under Resources > Publications.
- Discounted advertising rates in Colorado Municipalities magazine. The magazine also is available as an e-publication, which allows readers to directly link to an organization’s website by clicking on its advertisement.
- Discounted rates on registration and sponsorship for the CML Annual Conference.
- Discounted registration rates for CML workshops.
- Discounted purchase rates for CML publications.
Become an Associate Member
Please click here to view the CML Associate Membership application.
CML has enacted a "company administrator" function that empowers associate members to pay their annual dues renewals, sponsorships, and advertising online. Please click here for instructions.